Category: teaching

  • lecture Moving Image – façade projection

    Students create a façade projection. Which means in detail: finding a façade and define a story for it, look & feel and the animation itself. Due to the corona situation, the projection was only recreated virtually on selected facades.

  • lecture – codeAndImage

    lecture – codeAndImage

    lecture – codeAndImage Small experimental generative images were developed as part of a course in the Design and Technology Workshop.The course was specially intended for designers who had no previous knowledge of programming and programmatic thinking. An Index-page was created form the work, which summarises all the work: will be published in May 2021.

  • lecture Moving Image – expanded poetry

    lecture Moving Image – expanded poetry The project “Expanded Poetry-Bruttonationalglück” translates poems into visual, moving languages. Poetry is processually transformed into moving images and scattered and published in the digital space. The project is a cooperation between the Kunstuniversität Linz and the schule für dichtung wien. Selected poems from Anna Weidenholzer’s online class entitled “wir steigern das bruttonationalglück-texte zur glücksmaximierung”…

  • lecture realtime graphics

    Since 2014, Katharina Mayrhofer has been teaching two courses at the Kunstuniversität Linz that deal with real-time visualisations. It is taught how generative and interactive graphics and animations as well as complex interactive media art installations can be created using only a graphical user interface and without prior programming knowledge. To this end, an introduction…